The Vortex (aka The Bowl): Red Mountain Wilderness, Gunlock, UT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Gunlock weather forecast.

View from The Vortex

View from The Vortex

12/14/2021: The sand rock formations are crazy beautiful! Some of the best I have ever seen. The “waved” rock layers show colorful striations. The Vortex itself is stunning, and very tempting to climb down into. I didn’t, afraid I might not be able to get out 😐. The other formations surrounding the Vortex are worth the hike up even if the Vortex wasn’t there. I have seen the trail and rocks described as “other worldly.” Yep, I have to agree. This is definitely one of the most beautiful hikes I've ever done just from a sheer scenery perspective. Take your time and explore the area. Don’t let little ones to close to the edge.

Marg’s Notes: Today was going to be a down day due to rain. But rain was not due to start until afternoon, so, off we went! Headed off on Hwy 91 again but took a turn to Gunlock, a tiny little town, on to another gravel road & up a hill. Found the trailhead with no problem. Started out downhill over lava. Walked along a creek bed for a while. It was a bit hard to stay on the trail. Footprints all over! Yay GPS! Went thru a bit of forest then started to climb. Mostly over rock. Towards the end there was a bit of scrambling. The rock was the wavy kind, fairly flat on top, not too hard to walk on but no trail! Views were BEAUTIFUL! Rod took lots of pics! Really amazing from the top. We could see the storm clouds gathering to the west as we went along…We made faster tracks getting back. Only saw 5-6 people! 3.1 miles, 1 hour 45 min. Started to rain just as we left! Went to St. George & had a late lunch at George’s Corner. Good! It was a cold day! Went to Walmart & Lee’s Liquor!

Snacks for dinner!

Rod’s Ramblings from the Trail: It does get sandy on the trail but nothing that is insurmountable.

The rock formations are just absolutely crazy beautiful up here and it will probably get even better. We are at 0.9 mi in and there is a little concave area that rocks in a big wide open valley. A good photographer could have a blast here.

The GPS does come in handy by the way. Especially starting out. There aren’t many cairns up here so just be modern and use your GPS. That way you don't have to worry about finding the trail and you can just look around. That's what I believe anyway.

There is a continual uphill all the way. But it is pretty easy hiking so just take your time and the elevation gain should not be an issue. If you are in any kind of shape at all, I would think that this would be more of an easy hike than moderate. But we can keep it at a moderate for now 😊.

About midway up you begin to run into sandy rock formations and layered rock. Very easy to hike across. The hike down is particularly easy.

The hike getting here is gorgeous and the vortex is incredible. The rock formations that surround it and the views from the vortex and a little beyond are just some of the most magnificent views I have ever seen. Follow your GPS to get to the vortex and don't skip it. You will definitely be pleased that you did this hike.

This is definitely one of the most beautiful hikes I've ever done just from a sheer scenery perspective. As I said before, the photographer could really have a field day up here. The views are majestic and long, over mountains and into canyons and deep valleys.